Superstitions of the Christmas holiday season; including archives astern the Christmas Tree, decorations, the Yule Log, genial father Christmas, living thing born at Christmas, and much more.

Christmas is one of my favourite intimates celebrations. As a French-Canadian, I grew stirring next a prudence of tradition that especially focused on this times of year. My mother still starts shopping in January for next year's Christmas. therefore when our team was asked not quite taking into account to believe by the side of your tree, we had to see happening the land of the superstitions in this area Christmas....

"I have been looking for the right respond to this question. I have always heard that If you acknowledge your Christmas tree next to before Jan 1st. You will have bad luck for the perch of the year. My sister who lives in different confess has always heard that if you leave your tree and any of your Christmas decoration happening till the first you would have bad luck. She takes whatever down past Jan 1st. I say you will them every all along after the first of the year. Which of one of these superstitions would be correct. Or if you have any input entertain let me know. Thank you, Tracey"

The actual belief is that all trees should remain going on through 12th night. That is the 5th of January -in fact get not give a positive response by the side of until the 6th. There is no bad luck attached at every have - I have associates that do it all ways and their luck doesn't vary. Not to badly affect believe it alongside any epoch you want. V

While Christmas for me and my intimates has always been a mature to pull out the dated decorations - and to celebrate the pass traditions and family rituals, it has never been associated gone any particular superstitions.... appropriately I was entirely surprised to find that there are a LOT of funny beliefs, many contradictory, not far off from this festival. Here's what we found...

on instinctive born at Christmas

from 1525

Yef that day that Cryste was borne. Falle upon a Sunday ..
what chylde that hours of daylight borne be, A grete lorde he shalle be

Yf Crystemas hours of daylight on Monday be ..
They that be borne that day, I wene,
They shalle be stronge eche upon and kene..

Yf Crystmas daylight upon Tuysday be ..
Alle that be born there in may se,
They shall be stronge and covethouse..

Yf Cyrstmas daylight the sothe tosa, fall uopn a Woydnysday
What childe that hours of daylight borne ys, He shall dowghte and lyghte i-wysse..

Yf Crystmas morning upon Thursday be,
What chylde that day borne bee, He shalle have glad ryghte with ease to the,
Of dedes he shalbe good and stabylle; Of speche and tonge wyse and reasonabylle..

Yf Crystmas da upon Froday be,
The chylde that ys borne that day,
Shall long lyve and lecherowus be aye..

Yf Crystmas upon the Saterday falle ..
chyldren that e born that day,
Within a halfe a yere they shall dye, par fay.

From 1787 comes the supersition that children born on Christmas eve or Christmas day cannot look spirits. And from 1878 the belief that if you were born upon Christmas day you could never be drowned or hanged... by 1957, these obsolescent beliefs had evolved to comprehensibly permit that a child born Christmas hours of daylight would be lucky in life...

Welcoming father ChristmasIn 1878 we hear that "It is lucky to be the first to edit the house-door at Christmas....:saying 'Welcome father Christmas'.

On Christmas morning, the first to arrive downstairs was usual to acknowledge a broom, set broad the belly door, and sweep 'trouble' from the threshold.

Working upon Christmas

1793: Nothing but unavoidable work, such as tending cattle, is ever thought of all Christmas time... If any one was found by the Fidler and his men at fake upon the Twelfth morning he is mounted upon a stang (a pole), carried to the ale-house, and pays a quart of ale. Women are carried in a swill (barrel) and pay the same.

1883 The horses might not go to plough during the collection twelve days (of Christmas); nor might any spinning be done; and the distaff, set aside, was not uncommonly dressed with flowers.

Christmas Cake

1832 A allowance of the yule-cake must be reserved for Christmas Day; otherwise... the succeeding year will be unlucky. A thesame fatality hangs beyond the plum-cake provided for this occasion, unless a ration of it be kept till other Year's Day.

1855 Yule-cake is not to be clip back Christmas Eve upon any account.

I nevertheless start my Christmas baking, as mom does, weeks before... but the "rule" always was that none of this was taken out previously Christmas Eve - unless of course there was some special Christmas celebration in the few days preceeding.... but I don't remember any particular superstition united following this tradition... in a large relations subsequent to ours, it always just made sense... if the goodies weren't hidden or at least tucked away somewhere, they would be every in imitation of by Christmas!

Christmas Candle1817 The yule candle, a tall mould-candle, is lighted and set upon the table. It would be unlucky to vivacious it previously the time.... The candle must not be snuffed, and no one must fake from the table, till supper be ended.

1855 Christmas eve at length arrives... the candles are not to be snuffed the evening through, for that would be unlucky perpetration.... Our host is reminded to save a bit of the yule candle for good luck.

1883 at Christmas 1882 we had yule-candles, a gigantic pair, one red, one blue, presented by our attached grocer - for yule- candles must be truth - and not bought.

1895 A candle or lamp must be kept burning all night upon Christmas Eve, Unless this is done there will be a death in the house. It was usual for the grocers in Yorkshire to gift their customers later than candles at Christmas. They were made for the purpose, and were burnt upon Christmas Eve.

Christmas Decorations

1873 I was told, in Rutlandshire, the further day, that it is enormously unlucky to bring holly into a house back Christmas Eve.

1912 Mistletoe is never brought into the home back additional Year's day; to reach appropriately would be unlucky.

1057 - Holly must be burned, a dead man's legacy divided. good fame is ever best.

1883 - The cottagers never allowed the evergreens to be thrown out of doors, as, if so, a death would no question happen in the house back bordering Christmas. They were thus burnt on Candlemas Eve.... but at Shrewsbury and additional counties it is considered exceedingly unlucky to burn them, a situation not to be curtains upon any account.

1947 Hibbyn as hollin (ivy and holly) were kept up upon the walls until Shrove Tuesday and then used for frying the pancakes...

1879 The holly and ivy that have adorned churches at Christmas grow old are much esteemed and cherished. If a small branch of holly as soon as the berries upon it is taken house and hung happening in the house, it is considered definite to bring a fortunate year.

Taking Christmas Decorations beside

1648 'Ceremony on Candlemas Eve' all along as soon as the Holly, Ivie, all, Wherewith ye drest the Christmas Hall: That appropriately the superstitious find. No one least Branch there left behind: For see how many leaves there be Neglected there... consequently many Goblins you shall see.

1864 If all remnant of Christmas decorations is not cleared out of church past Candelmas-Day there will be a death that year in the relations occupying the pew where a leaf or berry is left. An outmoded woman whom I knew used to send her servant on Candlemas-eve to look that her own seat at anyrate was abundantly freed from danger.

1923 If you keep in the works Christmas decorations after the Twelfth Night it's bad luck all the year.

1986 I really upset if I haven't cleared away every hint of Christmas by Twelfth day - decorations, cards, everything.

FYI: Candelmas hours of daylight is Feb 2, Groundhog hours of daylight - the middle of winter, amrks the close of the Christmas season. The Twelve Days of Christmas traditionally begin the morning after Christmas Day, now known as Boxing Day, and stop bearing in mind Twelfth Night . Twelfth Night is the evening of the 5th January and every day of 6th January ( pass Christmas Day).

The Yule Log in the works the fire during supper 1817 It would be unlucky to whisk (the yule log) during the supper.

1923 You must not protest the flame during supper upon Christmas Eve if you hope to be lucky.

Keeping a fragment of the Log

1648 Kindle the Christmas Brand and next Till Sunneset, allow it burne; Which quencht, then lay it up agen, Till Christmas next-door returne. portion must be kept wherewith to teend the Christmas Log bordering yeare; And where it is safely kept, the fiend can attain no mischiefe (there).

1910 If the last fragment of the (ashen) faggot, partly burnt, was placed in the stall, it would keep the cows from every hurt or disaster.

1910 Christmas Eve we brought in the Yule Log... It is the custom to save a small fraction of last year's log to lighthearted that of the next-door year. If this was not done, the pass folk thought that their house would catch fire. Of course, I attain not take this... but one year... the fraction was accidentally burnt. rather strangely, our chimney caught fire the thesame year.

Christmas Pudding

1861 stirring the Christmas pudding. Everyopne should reach this 'for luck'.

1883 every juvenile girl in each household should incite to disturb the Christmas pudding if she has any wish to be married during the ensuing twelve months.

1978 Everyone stirred the immense bowl of Christmas pudding mixture, making a wish for each month in the year.

So, there you have it, a daylight steeped in tradition gone Christmas, is in addition to steeped in superstion it seems... Check out our superstitions very nearly Halloween, Valentines' daylight and extra Years!

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